Celon Pharma S.A. and the National Science Centre supports young scientists
Celon Pharma S.A. recognised the most outstanding researcher in the field of life sciences by awarding a scholarship in a contest organised by the National Science Centre (NCN). The ceremony took place on 7 October 2015 in the Kraków Cloth Hall.
The award was granted to Wiesław Babik PhD, whose outstanding achievements in the field of life sciences were recognised by the NCN jury.
Bogdan Manowski, Member of the Board of Celon Pharma S.A.: Our company has been supporting young, talented scientists by both organising our own initiatives and by participating in external projects, such as the National Science Centre (NCN) Award. We strongly believe that such initiatives are essential. They are not only an excellent way for promoting achievements of Polish scientists but also facilitate our, i.e. the industry's contact with them. Results of research conducted by young scientists are very valuable for our common quest in search of innovative therapies for patients. We believe that basic research is the essence of science. Scientific passion, enthusiasm and commitment are qualities characterising the approach adopted on an everyday basis in Celon Pharma S.A. laboratories. We are honoured to be part of this event. I will follow Mr Wiesław Babik's further scientific achievements with pleasure and great interest.
Prof. Zbigniew Błocki, director of the National Science Centre (NCN): The National Science Centre (NCN) Award is an initiative on which we want to collaborate with entrepreneurs who care about the development of science and who understand that the way to innovative economy begins with cutting-edge achievements in basic research. Cooperation with Celon Pharma S.A. makes it possible for us to jointly promote the best young researchers in the field of life sciences who have achieved great things in this field before the age of forty
Wiesław Babik, PhD: I am honoured to have received this award, mostly because it came from the National Science Centre, which I find to be an institution which in recent years has done wonders for the quality of research in Poland. I would also like to wholeheartedly thank the Founders of the award and my co-workers for sharing the joy of discovering the laws of nature with me.
The National Science Centre Award was established in 2013 by the Council of the National Science Centre and it can be conferred to young scientists below the age of 40. This years' event was the third instalment of the prestigious competition, where awards were conferred in three areas: humanities, social sciences and arts, life sciences and science and technology. The award is granted to young scientists for significant scientific achievements made in basic research.
fot. Michał Niewdana/NCN
fot. Michał Niewdana/NCN