Current report No. 52/2021 – Obtaining a European patent for esketamine inhalation formulation in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression
Date prepared: December 3, 2021, time: 4:32 p.m.
Abbreviated name of the issuer: Celon Pharma S.A.
Subject: Obtaining a European patent for esketamine inhalation formulation in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression.
Legal basis: Article 17 section 1 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) – inside information.
Content of the report:
The Management Board of Celon Pharma S.A. (the “Company”) hereby informs that the Company has been notified today that it has been granted a European patent for the use of esketamine inhalation formulation in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression.
The patent was granted by the European Patent Office. The information on its granting will be published in the “European Patent Bulletin 21/49” on December 8, 2021. The patent will guarantee full legal protection of the formulation in the European Patent Convention contracting states, following the completion of the relevant actions within three months in the countries where the Company decides to protect the solution in question.
The Falkieri program on the use of esketamine in the treatment of treatment-resistant depression, both unipolar and bipolar affective disorder, is the Company's most advanced programme, which has demonstrated very high and unprecedented efficacy in bipolar depression in phase II clinical trial. The Company announced the results of its phase II clinical trial in current report No. 1/2021 dated January 8, 2021 and in current report No. 27/2021 dated June 23, 2021. The Company provided an update on the course and results of the trial from the appointed organisation in charge of organizing and monitoring the trial, including a 6-week follow-up, which indicated that the data obtained confirm the drug’s high efficacy, also in terms of the duration of the effect, its good tolerability and provide a strong basis for continuing development in the subsequent phase III clinical trial.
The obtained patent protection reduces the risk associated with the project and increases the value of the Company's potential products in the therapeutic areas covered by patent protection.