The first stage of building Celon Pharma’s R&D Centre in Kazuń Nowy is on the home run and in line with the Company’s investment plan
Conclusion of the building shell stage was celebrated with symbolic topping out, which was carried out by representatives of Celon Pharma S.A. and Skanska, the General Contractor, on 15 October.
The task commissioned by Celon Pharma includes general contracting of the building shell together with internal installation systems, roads and external area, as well as external networks (1st stage of works), as well as the execution of internal finishing works in the scope of masonry, construction, installation works: electric, hydraulic, plumbing together with the purchase of materials and equipment for the new Research and Development Centre (2nd stage).
We are very happy to be able to implement such an important investment for Celon Pharma and to help our Client to make its plans a reality. The R&D Centre construction in Kazuń Nowy is an example of cooperation between the investor and the general contractor which is perfectly in tune, among others thanks to the values cherished by both companies. Celon Pharma’s investment will make it possible to develop new drugs which will offer many people a better and longer life. Putting lives first is also Skanska’s key value, just like ethical and transparent operations, having the client always in mind and being open to cooperation with others at all times. The teams working on this project on behalf of both companies are the best proof that these values can be achieved in practice – says Magnus Persson, CEO of Skanska S.A.
Finalising the R&D centre will make it possible for us to integrate our Company’s research and development processes. We find it a very important element of our strategy. We are creating a place where the heart of our company will beat, where the combination of passion, experience, science and business will give results which will improve the quality of human life and health in the years to come. Our cooperation with the general contractor has been a very good one. Continued cooperation in the scope of construction and finishing works makes it all the more likely that the investment will be completed in accordance with the adopted time schedule – says Maciej Wieczorek, President of the Management Board of Celon Pharma S.A.