NATco – "New anti-amyloid therapy for cognitive disorders"

– the project received co-financing from the National Centre for Research and Development in the amount of PLN 4,100,000.

The objective of the "New anti-amyloid therapy for cognitive disorders" project is development of a new drug which would enhance the procognitive process and would be used in the treatment of i.a. Alzheimer's disease. The previous research hypotheses in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease introduced by pharmaceutical companies and research institutes have focused on amyloid beta. Projects which intended to prove that this protein is the only cause of Alzheimer's disease have failed. NAtco research focuses on 5-HT6 serotonin receptors. They can have beneficial effects on cognitive processes which are impaired in all sorts of dementias and thus improve the patients' condition.
The project is being implemented by Celon Pharma as part of a scientific-business consortium with research centres located in Kraków: Institute of Pharmacology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Jagiellonian University Medical College, which is the Consortium Leader. Both of these institutions are responsible for developing compounds, synthetic works and studies of bio-pharmacological studies. Celon Pharma S.A. serves a strategic role of an in the industrial partner in the project. The Company is responsible for conducting research and potential commercialisation of the drug.

Total cost of the project  PLN 4,815143